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Future PlansWhat's next for LambdaLog.

Thanks to the support of the community and contributors, LambdaLog continues to improve and become faster and more feature-rich. With the many ideas and suggestions provided, I have boiled down a list of plans for the future of LambdaLog.

Version 3.1.0

  • Deprecation of Custom Log Levels.
    The last barrier for version 4 of LambdaLog is the custom log levels. While this is a handy feature, it imposes a lot of limitations such as TypeScript types and disabling of certain log levels. This feature will be deprecated in v3.1.0 and removed in v4.0.0.

Version 4.0.0

The next major version of LambdaLog is already in the planning phase and encapsulates many new features and a complete rewrite of the codebase.

  • Log level verbosity for environment.
    Log levels will be defined in a hierarchy that allows configuring the verbosity of of your log messages for the environment. This will replace the options `silent` and `debug` and will allow you to configure the maximum log level you wish to log for your environment.
  • LambdaLog will be going TypeScript.
    Not only will this help provide a more maintainable codebase, but will provide much better support for all of the TypeScript users.
  • New fatal Log Level.
    A new log level (`fatal`) will be added.
  • Custom formatter for dev mode.
    Don't want to see formatted JSON when `dev` mode is enabled? You'll be able to provide a custom formatter function to adjust how logs should be printed in `dev` mode.
  • ESM and CommonJS Support.
    With the introduction of ESM into Node, more packages are moving towards using `import` (ESM) versus `require` (CommonJS). Unlike many of those packages, LambdaLog will support both!

Planned Removals

  • Custom Log Levels.
    Custom Log Levels is deprecated and will be removed in v4.
  • Debug mode.
    The Debug configuration option will be removed in favor of the new log verbosity feature.